Gardening attracts plant loving individuals from all levels of experience, novice to master gardener, to get connected with the soil and grow plants that are beautiful and good to eat! The goal is to enjoy what you have created and share your knowledge with others. The Lakeshore Garden Masters is an organization supporting gardeners young and old to learn about new plants and new techniques to grow them through networking and sharing.
Lakeshore Garden Masters invites anyone interested in flower gardening to join us at 6 PM on the Third Monday from April to October. Meeting sites will vary throughout Muskegon, Oceana, and Ottawa Counties. Guest fee is $5.00 per meeting or $20 for yearly membership. New Members-contact Marsha Green Summer trips to botanical, community and specialty gardens in Michigan and surrounding areas are an additional charge. Please click here for a new membership or to renew an existing membership.
2023 Leadership Council Officers
President: Marsha Green
Recording/Corresponding Secretary:
Sharon Schafer
Treasurer: Sharon Rubelman
Trustees-2 year term:
Dave Mellama
Pam Stevens
Trustee-1 year term:
Cathie Krol
New Members Contact:
Susan Thorpe
Committee Chairpersons
Monet Garden: Linda Hecksel
Newsletter Editor: Marsha Green
Plant Sharing: All members encouraged to share plants and seeds.
Education Programs/Membership: